Day 3 Of Designing One Glorify Template A Day For 30 Days

Today is day 3 of the Glorify template challenge, and I couldn’t be more excited…

…especially because I enjoy this format – designing one Glorify template a day and posting it online…

But also because the weather outside is getting warmer, which means one thing… a ton of adventures are coming up.

Last year, my girlfriend and I traveled to Austria and spent an amazing time in the Alps.

This year, we’re heading to the northeast of the Czech Republic… but what’s interesting about these adventures is that every time I go anywhere outside the Netherlands, I seem to get a burst of ideas for new projects.

It’s like being let outside of the cage, and the world is the playground.

Everything from trees, rivers, lakes, different cultures, languages, the atmosphere, but also the style of buildings, advertisements, billboards, statues, historic treasures, gardens, literally everything seems to inspire me in some way and gives me a ton of ideas.

That’s why I can’t recommend traveling enough… and having your mind tuned for new ideas like an Athena searching for a new signal every time you change location.

I keep track of all these ideas using Upnote

And if there’s something I want to work on right away, I put it in and, based on urgency, give it a priority.

But anyway…

Because it’s the time of the year when I’m getting ready for a ton of adventures, I’m immediately tuned to adventure, travel-style designs.

And yesterday, I had this logo idea in my head that is simple and straightforward.

And as you can see, some of the color palettes make it look better than others… something I like to play with at the end and give more variations.

My favorite color palette is the first one (the gray) as I like the simplicity of it.

It gives me the feeling of minimalism.


This design could be used as a logo but also as a t-shirt design.

If you’re interested, you can grab it below.

Change the text to whatever you like and voilà, you’ve got yourself a nice design.


Day 2 // Glorify Templates – 30 Day Challenge

Yesterday, I started a new challenge in Glorify.

Designing one Glorify template every day for 30 days straight and giving it away for free…

But then, packaging them all and selling them for $10 USD… for those who don’t want to waste their valuable time trying to find them.

I saw something similar back when I was looking for inspiration, and I found another designer doing the same thing.

Offering templates for free for those who follow him daily, and then offering the same templates for a small price to those who don’t have time and just found his website…

The marketing angle is then different.

Once this project is finished, I could also give it away as a bonus to other products or when promoting Glorify.

I could say…

When you sign up for Glorify through my affiliate link, here is what you’re going to get immediately…

You’re going to get my 30-Day design challenge containing 30 unique designs crafted with busy small business owners in mind and setting them ahead of their competition

You will also get my custom graphics pack, which includes shades, gradients, textures, font library, mockups, and dozens of other gifts you won’t find anywhere on the internet – all working in harmony with Glorify like you’ve never seen before.

And finally, I’m going to give you special assets to boost your social media game… from frameworks, to social boosters, to content calendars… everything a small business owner needs to succeed online.

And no…

I’m not going to be charging you $997 for it like others would do.

You’re getting all these bonuses for free when you join Glorify design tool using my affiliate link below.

And then…

You plug your affiliate link for Glorify and drive traffic to it.

And make hefty commissions doing so.

Retire early or whatever your dream is.

But do you see the point?


Well… the point is… if you’re already using a design tool like in my example, it’s Glorify, why would you not create bonuses around this tool and give them away to get more people to sign up?

There will be people asking you what this tool is and if it’s worth it.

You might as well sell the darn tool and make some money doing what you love.


Just an idea for you.

Now enjoy today’s Glorify template.

You can download it here…


Crafting Glorify Templates – 30 Days Challenge

Day #1

Recently, I’ve been playing with the idea of crafting one design each day for 30 days and immediately turning it into a usable template people can download and do whatever they want with it.

Let’s say you’re starting a new online business and finding it difficult to come up with graphics, logos, content ideas…

…branding is as foreign to you as cave exploring… and you’re seeking inspiration to kickstart your projects and get going…

…and while you’ve been poking around, you stumble upon a killer design that you really like, fits your imagination, and you know your customers will respond well to it… and want to use this design style immediately.

Well, you’ll be able to download it into your Glorify and customize it however you like.

Without worrying about the layout, color palettes, which fonts to use, and other essential graphic design geeky things that might not matter to you but without them, the branding, the design looks less than stellar.

And so… I’m kicking this off with a design below. And each day for 30 days straight, I’ll upload one design to my website,, where you’ll be able to download them.

The format will be as follows:

Glorify design template…

A brief description…

And a link to download it.

And yes, all my Glorify templates will be free.

Let’s start with this one.

Glorify Templates - Instagram Post - Day 1

If you like this design, you can download it here;


P.S. if you don’t have Glorify design tool, here is where to get it.

Try their 14-Day Trial and see if you like it

Rolling Into Monday With Graphic Design Tips…

Right after I showed you how easy it is to take any of the Glorify templates from the library and make quick changes to it…

I got this message…

“Great but I’m not good at this”

…to which I replied, of course not… especially not when before you even commit to a project, you start telling yourself that you’re not good at something.

By the way, I’ve done that in the past myself.

It’s natural but hang on it too long, and you’re limiting yourself from who you can become.

So many of my ideas went to trash just because I talked myself out of it…

My thoughts took over and I’ve never even started the project.

And so… the best thing you can do is to…

  • Design with low expectations.

If it’s not gonna work and you have to scrap the idea and start the project again…

…well, so be it!

No one’s gonna cut your hands off for screwing up…

  • Play like you were a kid.

Kids like to play. They’re in their world and couldn’t care less about what you think about them screwing something up… and I’m telling you, if you want your project to spark with confidence, attract your customers, and have this irresistible feel to it whenever you look at it, well, you better play like a kid when you design…

Experiment with graphics, elements, layouts, fonts, colors… Don’t be afraid to break the rules to come up with something unique and easily recognized as your style.

  • Trigger the Viewer..

…Is my way of thinking about it. Every time I go design a new project, I always think about how I can trigger the person viewing the design/content on the other side.

And so… figure out what they go through in their lives. Who are they in the first place? What are their beliefs? What do they watch in their spare time?

For example…

If you have an audience that watches a specific TV series on Netflix and you know what it is, well, you can get a ton of ideas from that TV series for your next design.

And be almost certain, your followers will respond to it well.

Perhaps even buy whatever you’re selling because you’re talking their language, tapping into their psyche… and so on.

There is so much you can do prior to designing your content, product images, flyers, and more that will increase your chances to gain a new follower or steer the one you have into taking action and buying your products…

From the pre-design, to actual design, to final result, and then the marketing you do afterward.

And as I write these emails, letting you pick my brain, hopefully you’ll learn tips and tricks on how to go about designing killer ads, content or whatever you’re working on.

If you want more details, you can join my email list… where I also share my Glorify templates and go more in-depth about the projects I design, the psychology behind it and things to avoid.

You can sign up here…

Find The Winner…Designing An Ad For Myself

Another fantastic Glorify Sunday morning session… this time featuring images of myself…

What would I do if I had to create an ad for myself to appeal to small business owners and encourage them to hire me?

What kind of images would I need to create?

Excellent question…

And so, I got to work.

My girlfriend took photos of me. I edited those photos in Lightroom and then imported them into Glorify.

Even though I like all of them, I would probably more variations of the same designs, write different copy, try different headlines and then test them first.

Find out which one works best, gets most responses from people through comments, likes, and questions… and based on that, determine which one to use for a real ad.

Because sometimes we think (and I’m as guilty of it as anyone else) that we’ve hit a home run, only to realize that it’s the worst performer and no one likes it.


I suppose the lesson for today is…


See how your market, people in your niche respond to it first before you invest a significant budget, only to realize it didn’t work.

And if it doesn’t work, change the message, change the design, change the color palette… whatever it takes until you find the winner.


Here is what I’ve designed this morning.


Do you want me to share this Glorify project file with you as a Glorify template? I could turn it into a template and give it to you.

If yes… hit me up.

Comment “find the winner” below and I’ll send it to you.

You’ll need those two fonts uploaded in your Glorify Brand Kit.

  • Heading Now,
  • Knockout Bold

…before you can use this project, otherwise it won’t work.

Publishing Is Like A Drug

Have you seen the video when Russell Brunson talks about one of the most powerful secret in marketing – making him who he is today… 

What’s the secret?


Here is the thing about publishing you don’t know about… 

When you publish consistently for at least 365 days you not only build a powerful habit but your audience is going to notice that you’re a serious player and they’re more likely to stick around…

Publishing for a long time will refine your style… you’ll also find your voice which for some is a taboo…

Once I heard that publishing everyday is like a drug…

Skip once and start feeling the widraws…

And so anyway…. 

Here is the quick tip…

Keep publishing everyday… 

Consistency is key here. 


P.S. You could use something like to start your free blog and start publishing right away. 

Why Systeme and not WordPress or any other blog platforms out there? 

Because it’s easier to use… and not as technical as wordpress.

You can have a free landing page, up to 2000 subscribers on your list, build 3 sales funnels, create a course, have unlimited storage space, set up an order bump, 24/7 email support… 

…even use your own domain name… 

And you can have all of it, everything I mentioned here for zero…


No more excuses… saying things like… ohhh this is too expensive because it’s not. 

IT’S FREE for you to start publishing, build your email list of subscribers, and make muney selling whatever you want to sell and begin your journey with what I believe is the best all-in-one tool out there. 

The choice is yours.

Want Graphic Design Tips, Glorify Tuts… Join in!

Yesterday, even though it was my birthday, I worked my ass off to finish this opt-in page, which I had committed to completing by the end of the week.

Thanks to, I’m ahead of schedule.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

A simple opt-in page with a hook and a button to get you on my list.

Nothing fancy.

Nothing complicated.

The idea is to get you on my email list and start sending you valuable content…

Why an email list?

Simply because it’s a better medium for communication: more reach, consistency, automation, deliverability, and a few other reasons.

For example…

I could create a mini-course on what to NEVER do when crafting images for your landing pages… and then show you what I’ve been doing and take you through the steps.

  • How to plan and design 30 days’ worth of content in Glorify.
  • How to design pro-level product images in lightning speed.
  • What actually makes your social media content turn heads.
  • The ultimate, easy-to-implement technique I picked up from an old-school graphic designer with 35 years of “deep in the trenches” experience.
  • The one thing you must do before you even open Glorify and start crafting powerful images.
  • My favorite Glorify features I use all the time.
  • How knowing this simple tip will improve your Instagram carousels almost instantly.
  • How to design beautiful, high-converting images without knowing anything about graphic design.
  • How to use graphic elements in your Glorify libraries and turn them into a gratifying piece of art people will salivate over.
  • What makes great design great?
  • What fonts to NEVER use in your advertising.
  • What fonts should you choose for your project.
  • 7 Graphic design tips every beginner or a pro designer must know.

And a ton of more interesting, jaw-dropping content that could be heading your way if you decide to join my mailing list…

It’s almost ready.

Perhaps another month or two…

You can join the waiting list below…

And I’ll shoot you an email when it’s lined up and ready.

Here is where to go:

I’m 42 today 

To be honest with you, I don’t care about age… it’s just a number.

Sometimes I feel it here and there, especially after my inline skating sessions, but compared to when I was 38, I feel great!

You see, when I was 38, I looked like crap, ate like crap, and had almost zero energy most of the day.

Now, I’m killing it!

Anyway, I just want to encourage you. If you think 42 years is old and your life is over, think again.

Think of Donald Fisher and his Gap clothes… he started after he turned 40 with absolutely zero experience in retail.

How about Sam Walton, whose real success began at the age of 44 when he founded the first Wal-Mart?

Or Henry Ford, who was 45 when he created the revolutionary Model T car…

And a ton of more examples…

The thing is, you can become a badass motherf**ker 6 months from now if you give it a shot.

I’ve got way more energy now than when I was 38, and all I did was change three things:

  1. How I sleep. I added an hour to my sleeping schedule.
  2. I started inline skating.
  3. And I eat a bit better. Nothing too crazy.

And that’s it.

So don’t beat yourself up if you’ve just turned 42.

Life ain’t over yet…

Go out there and make shit happen.

Promised Glorify Template Ready For Download…

About two weeks ago, I found this quote that I really liked:


I liked it so much that I decided to do something with it.

So, I opened my trusty old swipe file with all the magazine ads I’m talking about, like a broken radio that you should start building for yourself…

…and while I was scrolling through those magazine ads, I stumbled upon an idea that developed into this quote-style design.

And then, I liked it even more and decided to expand on it by trying different color palette variations and now I’m giving it away as a template.

The fonts you’ll need to upload into your Brand Kit for it to work are called:

  • Heading Now
  • Matter

If you don’t want to pay for the Matter font, just use another one like Work Sands or Montserrat.


Download this template right now before the edges burn; Watch out though, it’s hot and high in demand…

Download it here for free:

By the way, just to be clear… the link is also my affiliate link, meaning I’ll get a commission if you decide to join Glorify using the link above.

If you already have Glorify, you have nothing to worry about. Just click the link above and download the template.

Make something good out of it…

Let’s go!

Recent Glorify Session… Question Answered!

Recently, I designed this simple FB post and received some questions…

One of them was about the color palette…

To which I replied…

The color palette is taken from an ad that used to run in one of the outdoors magazines.

I took a screenshot and opened it in Glorify, where I used the color picker to sample the colors and create my own version of the color palette.

It’s something you can do when you see colors you really like.

Now, to take it a step further, add it to your “Brand Kit” so that you can use it in any project.

If you do that, it will appear in your libraries under the Brand Kit –> Brand Palettes panel.

Select your canvas, go to your brand Kit, Brand Pallets and click few times on the color pallet you’ve just added and see how it changes the look and feel of your design.

Personally, it’s my favorite feature in Glorify.

But anyway…

The takeaway from this short message is…

Have a swipe file of great ads, designs, and create color palettes from it, and then use them in your projects.

For more great tips and hot Glorify tutorials, hop on my email list.

It’s where I share what I learn about graphic design, design tools like Glorify, and what makes great design great… to join in, click the link below…

The Font That Packs a Punch!

Rolling into Monday with one of my favorite fonts called…


I’ve used this font in dozens of projects, and every time I do, it delivers a punch.

Crafted by Ivo Dolenc, it’s a minimal and clean font that can be used in advertising, flyers, business cards, and just about anywhere for a neutral, clean, and simple look.

Try it…

I think you’re gonna love it.

It comes with 20 different weights you can play with.

Make your designs STAND OUT!

Here is where you can grab it…

Now… What follows are a few of my designs using Aspekta. Hope you like them. If you have any questions, hit me up.

This post turned into a lesson quickly

On August 14th…

Exactly 2.7 months ago, my angel and I got together. It’s our 31st month and it feels like we just started.

Since the time I started pursuing her to this day, there hasn’t been a significant fight or anything that would force us apart. It’s like we’re meant to be for each other.

It’s a weird thing because we’re both from completely different backgrounds, and somehow, despite our differences, we connected and have been living together since the beginning of our relationship.

But why am I telling you this?

Here’s the lesson…

About 3 years ago, I started visualizing her in my life… in all kinds of situations. I would sit down, sometimes for 30 minutes, sometimes for an hour, every day.

Anything from traveling to remote places to hiking mountains and swimming in lakes, to living in a house together. Every spicy, kinky pleasure you can imagine… you bet, I dreamt about it.

And guess what?

It happened.

We’re celebrating 2.7 months together.

We live together in a house.

We travel 2-3 times a year.

We play with each other like two horny teenagers.

We have fun together.

And so, here’s to say…

If you can visualize it, you can have it.

You must have heard that saying before…

I believe it’s true, but here is something you must understand…

You can’t just visualize and hope for the best…

You’ll have great dreams but unless you lift your butt cheeks off the couch and start doing the necessary work to get you where you want to be or the life you want to have, nothing will happen.

So… (and this is the key), instead of visualizing the green pastures and hoping for the best, that one day everything will fall into place, visualize all the hard work that you’ll have to do.

Make a plan, and every day after your important visualization session, accomplish something that day.

Learn how to manage yourself!

If you have bad habits, focus on that first. Change them.

From morning to evening, there is plenty of time, even if you’re working full time, I can guarantee you can find an hour or two to work on your dream.

Whatever the dream is…

Remember, small actions every day will pile up… eventually becoming big things.

But anyway…

Just sharing what I would do and am actually doing right now as I’m building my base online… and learning all these skills like copywriting, social media, graphic design, and how to become a better human being.

It takes time… perhaps a whole life.

But it starts with knowing what you want.

You Don’t Need Photoshop!

How long will it take me to learn Photoshop?

Well, take a seat, dear friend, because you’re in for quite the journey.

I won’t sugarcoat it—diving into Photoshop, messing with displacement maps, and mastering all those tools (the Pen Tool being the trickiest) or even the simpler tasks like selecting and removing backgrounds from images… it felt like having my wisdom teeth pulled out.

Not the most seksiest thing to play with.

But as with anything worth learning, it’s tough at first before it becomes easier.

Fortunately, you’re in luck.

Nowadays, you don’t have to spend weeks, months, or years trying to master Photoshop to create stunning, high-converting images for your social media, websites, or landing pages.

No, there are much simpler, less complex, and faster solutions out there.

Take Glorify, for example.

This tool emerged seemingly out of nowhere, delivering a powerful punch like a heavyweight champion, and quickly becoming my favorite design tool.

It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with it, and now, I use it 98% of the time. It’s straightforward, it’s fast, and it comes with pre-designed templates that are stunning.

So, even if you’re not a seasoned designer, you can effortlessly create beautiful, eye-catching images with just a few clicks.

As for me, I prefer designing everything from scratch, as you can see in the examples below.

You won’t find such designs in the template library.

This is fantastic news because if you choose any of my templates, you’re guaranteed unique, one-of-a-kind designs that you can easily customize and make your own.

Let me explain what I’m going to do.

Soon, I’m going to send an email to my subscribers with about 70% of my new Glorify templates and give them away for FREE.

This promotion will last for 3 consecutive days. There will be a timer, and when it hits zero, the templates will vanish from the internet, much like a dark cloud after a heavy storm.

You won’t find them anywhere else!

I’m orchestrating it this way because I want dedicated individuals to use them, and I don’t want them to become overused.

So, if you’re not on my list, you’re going to miss out.

But if you’re interested and want to become a subscriber, here’s where to go:

All you have to do is click the link above and sign up. I’ll then notify you when they’re ready.

01 Glorify Design Session (Template Bundle Coming Up)

Glorify templates

Another interesting design from yesterday’s Glorify session.

Somehow, I ended up finishing a project an hour earlier and took that time to design this quote I found in my personal swipe file.

Something I wrote about yesterday.

If you don’t have your personal swipe file and are constantly building it up, adding things to it that you like or things that inspire you, you’re simply missing out…

Not just for the fact that it helps you find new ideas but also, you get a glimpse into what’s working right now.

What people are sharing…

What quotes have been reposted over and over again.

So, no matter from what angle you’re looking at it, building your own swipe file is a must in my opinion.

What I would suggest here is that you start collecting ads, quotes, posts that have big engagement, were either shared a ton of times or liked, or both, and then take inspiration from them.

Actually, anything that went viral, I would collect and see if I could grab some ideas from it… or even recreate it in my own style…

It’s a strategy taught in many courses I went through in the last year… like the 7-Day Shift that teaches you everything you need to know to create viral 7-second videos and what to do with all the followers, where to send them, how to interact with them, and how to set up an automated system that sends pre-written emails for you – promoting high ticket products that will earn you $1600 every time someone purchases through your link…

And guess what?

Once you have it all set up… you can go into your swipe file and start piggy-backing from viral videos, posts, or anything that had high engagement… and then remake it in your own style…

But more about it in the course…

In case you’re interested, I’ll leave a link below.

Yes, it is my affiliate link.

P.S. Let me know what you think about the design? Is there anything you would have done differently? Soon, I’ll be sharing a full set as a template with all the pre-designed elements and sizes. When it’s done, I’ll write a quick note and let you know where to get it.

Have fun!

Are You Building Your Swipe File?

Swipe File Design

Sometimes I’m surprised by how far I can go in seeking design inspiration.

Take my swipe file, for example…

It took me years to build and contains heaps of great ads I love diving into and trying to understand, especially on Sundays when I’m planning my next week’s worth of content and the things I’m going to design. But even for fun, or purely for entertainment purposes, this swipe file is the number one resource for me, and it always gives me a ton of new ideas for projects…

Whether it’s client work or my own, it doesn’t matter; having such a resource has been life-changing.

Right now, I’m building another swipe file for another passion of mine: sales funnels, opt-in pages, OTO’s, and anything that could inspire me when crafting a new offer.


If you’re into something you love, why not create your own swipe file? On days when you don’t feel like it or can’t seem to come up with anything of value, you can open it up and instantly get flooded with tons of new ideas.

It works like magic.

Give it a shot…

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