5 Color Pallets I Use Instead Of Pure Black

I don’t know about you, but pure black is a color I like to stay away from, for one simple reason… If it’s against white, it tends to strain my eyes.

Don’t get me wrong, I can think of examples where pure black is awesome and looks amazing, but as I’m saying, I’ve found a few other colors that I prefer.

It’s a matter of personal choice.

Nothing more.

And so, here are the color palettes I use in Glorify, and I highly suggest adding them into your brand kit.

Starting with…





Your welcome.

I found they work great in gaming, stargazing, motivation, coding, web design, encryption, hackers, data protection, photography and few dozens of other niches…

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Hi, I’m Libor Bednarik and this is my personal tale of Graphic design, finance, and growth. I’m tracking my progress as a graphic designer, my finances and personal growth. Join me for graphic design tips, ready-to-use Glorify templates and curated resources. View all posts by Libor