This Font Is Magic!

Yesterday I stumbled on a beautiful font..

Not just any font but the kind that makes you stop in your tracks.

Fonts like that, if used right, can turn even the most boring ads, product images, content for social media and everything else into gorgeous looking beasts…

…and I’m so glad I found it.

After testing few designs, I fall in love with it and I think you'll too.

...especially if you like expanded fonts.

It’s not free (a real bummer), but worth every penny!

Check what I was able to design...

Amazing Font Glorify
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It's called...

Knockout - Extended Font Family 

(do a Google search if you're interested)

And when I saw it I simply had to have it. 

Bought the whole family and I'm planning to use it for few projects. 

Let me know what you think.

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Libor Bednarik Web

Let me show you how to design beautiful product images, thumbnails, content for social media and more in Glorify...

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+ New Templates

+ Graphic Design Tips

Plus, get all the bonuses mentioned on this page for free when you sign up to Glorify using my link.

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