Rolling into Monday with a new Glorify template…
This time, it’s all about surfing.
When I was in New Zealand, a friend of mine was big on surfing.
We used to drive to Tawharanui Peninsula (about an hour and a half from Auckland)… a beautiful place with awesome beaches, cliffs, and great hikes around the peninsula.
When the weather was right, the waves would be spot on!
I’m not really into surfing… so I would pick up my old, trusty Nikon D90 (mind you, back in 2008 this ancient camera was a big deal) and I would go around the beach, looking for textures, taking photos of the landscapes and him surfing and so on…
A few years later, he became an instructor – teaching kids how to surf.
Back then, it was difficult to build landing pages… not to mention creating a membership site.
The tools we know today didn’t exist back in 2008…
Systeme.io wasn’t even in planning yet.
Leadpages, Clickfunnels, Optimizepress, none of them existed.
Optimizepress, which I started using from 2011, became my favorite landing page builder until Leadpages took over.
So imagine… it was a real mission to set up and run a membership site.
And I don’t remember how he pulled it off.
All I know is… I handed him a bunch of graphics, hero images, widget ads, and wished him good luck.
But anyway…
Why am I telling you this?
To realize that you’re living in some of the best times ever. If you want to start a new business, build a new landing page, build a new course, membership without any coding skills whatsoever.
And build it in just a couple of hours using, for example, systeme.io…
And the part that amuses me the most… do it for FREE!
So there really are no excuses here.
If you want today’s Glorify template, you can grab it below.