Day 8 – Glorify Templates – Simona Jones 

“A year from now, you will wish you had started today.”

Not sure who said it, but it’s dead on the money…

I’ve been guilty of this for years…

Maybe you have too…

Every year, I have a ton of new ideas. Projects I want to work on.

I write them down.

Spend months thinking about them.

But I hardly start any of them.

For example…

My photography project.

I thought about doing a 365-day project, sharing one photo a day and building my social media following for almost a year before I actually started.

And when I finally did… people loved it.

I sold books, flyers, booklets, brochures, post cards and for a while, I turned it into a full-time gig.

And so… until you start, you will never know what might come out of it.

It’s better to start and get ridiculed than it is to never start and keep wondering what the project could have been like.

To help you start…

Here is my Day 8 Glorify template project I crafted with love, for anyone who wants to start dominating the online space right off the bat.

You can grab this Glorify template below…

Have fun!

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