Libor Bednarik - Glorify It Logo

How Craft Text-On-Path Logo/Batch Style Designs In Glorify

Want to follow along but Don't Have Glorify?

In this video I'm to going break down the entire process how I designed this "text-to-path" logo/batch style design... including all the little details... 

-> How to upload custom fonts into Glorify...

-> How to crop images... 

-> How add text to path 

And the entire process from start to finish.

Glorify Design Tool 01
Glorify text to path

Coming Up Next...

Glorify Design Tool Tutorials

A quick glimpse into what's coming your way... 

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11 Seconds About Libor 

Libor Bednarik Web

Started exploring graphic design in 2009. Joined Glorify revolution in 2019 and never looked back. Now bringing you tutorials, tips, templates and more... 

Actually this might have been 7 seconds (Full story with ups and downs, struggles and client nightmares in follow up emails...

Join me as I craft powerful images and record the process...

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