Publishing Is Like A Drug

Have you seen the video when Russell Brunson talks about one of the most powerful secret in marketing – making him who he is today… 

What’s the secret?


Here is the thing about publishing you don’t know about… 

When you publish consistently for at least 365 days you not only build a powerful habit but your audience is going to notice that you’re a serious player and they’re more likely to stick around…

Publishing for a long time will refine your style… you’ll also find your voice which for some is a taboo…

Once I heard that publishing everyday is like a drug…

Skip once and start feeling the widraws…

And so anyway…. 

Here is the quick tip…

Keep publishing everyday… 

Consistency is key here. 


P.S. You could use something like to start your free blog and start publishing right away. 

Why Systeme and not WordPress or any other blog platforms out there? 

Because it’s easier to use… and not as technical as wordpress.

You can have a free landing page, up to 2000 subscribers on your list, build 3 sales funnels, create a course, have unlimited storage space, set up an order bump, 24/7 email support… 

…even use your own domain name… 

And you can have all of it, everything I mentioned here for zero…


No more excuses… saying things like… ohhh this is too expensive because it’s not. 

IT’S FREE for you to start publishing, build your email list of subscribers, and make muney selling whatever you want to sell and begin your journey with what I believe is the best all-in-one tool out there. 

The choice is yours.

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Hi, I’m Libor Bednarik and this is my personal tale of Graphic design, finance, and growth. I’m tracking my progress as a graphic designer, my finances and personal growth. Join me for graphic design tips, ready-to-use Glorify templates and curated resources. View all posts by Libor