Day 9 – Glorify Templates – Fitness Coach…

Yesterday’s Glorify template was designed for authors and speakers… 

Today’s Glorify template is all about fitness. 

But not only that… 

If you’re a fitness coach, instructor or someone who’s building an online presence in stay healthy, keep fit, build muscles niche, then this template might fit the bill. 

Hit the link below and make it your own…

The fonts used in this projects…

  • Anton
  • OpenSans

If you want me to customize it for you, shoot me an email. 


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Hi, I’m Libor Bednarik and this is my personal tale of Graphic design, finance, and growth. I’m tracking my progress as a graphic designer, my finances and personal growth. Join me for graphic design tips, ready-to-use Glorify templates and curated resources. View all posts by Libor

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