Day 30 – The END of the Glorify Challenge Template

WOW! The last day of the 30-day Glorify Templates Challenge is now coming to an end…

To finish it off in style, I designed this beautiful flyer.

If you’re into bold, grungy, rugged-style designs and looking to present your products or services in a powerful way, then this flyer might be for you.

You can simply replace the placeholders with images of your products, change the text, and call it a day.

It’s up to you…


If you’re interested, here’s where you can grab it…

Now let me say this…

What this design challenge taught me is this:

It isn’t about perfection.

Creating a flow that works is more important.

Publish, publish, and keep publishing.

Satisfaction is in the process.

Less is more…

And finally, even with limited time, 1-2 hours a day, you can do a lot…

…which turns out to be another reason I wanted to start this challenge.

I wanted to push myself and see if I could wake up earlier or stay up late in the evening, cut all the excuses, quiet my mind, and just do it.

And it turns out that I can…

I’m feeling great right now…


Tomorrow, I’m going to sort all the templates and prepare them for bulk download in case you’re interested.

Last thing before I let you go…

Thanks for being part of it.

Catch you tomorrow…

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Hi, I’m Libor Bednarik and this is my personal tale of Graphic design, finance, and growth. I’m tracking my progress as a graphic designer, my finances and personal growth. Join me for graphic design tips, ready-to-use Glorify templates and curated resources. View all posts by Libor

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