So I’ve been playing around with a few concepts for a fresh Glorify template bundle when suddenly, BAM!

An idea for a split image smacked me square in the face, like a heavyweight boxer.

Here’s how it looks so far…

Not bad for a few minutes of work.

If you’ve been following me for some time, you may have noticed that I designed something similar to this a few months ago… which I have now revisited and slowly turning into a template bundle for you to use.

Mainly giving structure to my design ideas.

And making it available so that you have no excuse not to pick any of my templates and run with them.

I’ll keep you updated on the progress as I’m not planning to finish it today.

If you want a finished collection of Glorify templates that pack a serious punch, lace up your hiking boots and embark on the journey to seize them!

A Quick Challenge…

I just played a song I used to listen to when I was 20 years old, called “Big Calm” by Morcheeba, and every time I hear it, it sends shivers down my spine.

Not only does it ignite a massive creativity spike in my mind, but it also inspires most of my designs. It’s something every creative person is looking for…. that spark source that gives them a creative edge.

And I’m glad, we’ve got specific music that can do that…

Anyway, here’s the challenge:

Write an entire email in less time than the length of the song.

Can I write the entire email in such a short timeframe?

Can I offer you a quick tip in two minutes or less?

The answer is yes.

Why would I want to do that?

Because there’s something magical about being forced to write in fast bursts like that.

It compels you to write without editing, which is crucial for allowing your mind to generate ideas you otherwise wouldn’t.

It allows for a natural flow.

And guess what?

Play the song five times, and in about ten minutes, you’ll have five emails written down that could cover about five days worth of content.

Listen, it doesn’t have to be emails… it could be social media posts, replying to comments, or jotting down all the tasks you’re supposed to do for the day.

Whatever it is, what I’m trying to tell you is this…

Write in fast bursts and see how much you can accomplish in such a short period.

Compared to someone who needs ten minutes to warm up, you can be miles ahead.

Try it.

It works like magic.

P.S. Yes, you guessed it right. This quick tip was inspired and written using this challenge.

Gonna Die One Day…

So I better have a list of things I wanna do before I take my last breath…

Started the list with all the things I’ve done in the past…followed by the things I wanna do.

What I have realize is… 

I’ve done a lot! 

List like that makes me want to do more… 

Once its written down, it becomes a real thing. Not just a thought but something to work towards it.  

So… should you have one?

I say yes… 

Write down what you wanna do… 

Make a plan…

Work towards it, or risk it’ll never happen.

First Post

I might as well keep track of what I design, create, and document my journey…

Things that inspire me as a graphic designer, photographer, and someone who loves to travel.

My crazy brain dump with graphic design tips…

This blog is going to be a friendly reminder of the progress I make as the years go by.

I’m 23 days away from turning 42. Instead of waiting, let’s get shit rolling right now.