Recent Glorify Session… Question Answered!

Recently, I designed this simple FB post and received some questions…

One of them was about the color palette…

To which I replied…

The color palette is taken from an ad that used to run in one of the outdoors magazines.

I took a screenshot and opened it in Glorify, where I used the color picker to sample the colors and create my own version of the color palette.

It’s something you can do when you see colors you really like.

Now, to take it a step further, add it to your “Brand Kit” so that you can use it in any project.

If you do that, it will appear in your libraries under the Brand Kit –> Brand Palettes panel.

Select your canvas, go to your brand Kit, Brand Pallets and click few times on the color pallet you’ve just added and see how it changes the look and feel of your design.

Personally, it’s my favorite feature in Glorify.

But anyway…

The takeaway from this short message is…

Have a swipe file of great ads, designs, and create color palettes from it, and then use them in your projects.

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Hi, I’m Libor Bednarik and this is my personal tale of Graphic design, finance, and growth. I’m tracking my progress as a graphic designer, my finances and personal growth. Join me for graphic design tips, ready-to-use Glorify templates and curated resources. View all posts by Libor