Publishing Is Like A Drug

Have you seen the video when Russell Brunson talks about one of the most powerful secret in marketing – making him who he is today…  What’s the secret? Publishing! Here is the thing about publishing you don’t know about…  When you publish consistently for at least 365 days you not only build a powerful habit…

Self Improvement

I’m 42 today 

To be honest with you, I don’t care about age… it’s just a number. Sometimes I feel it here and there, especially after my inline skating sessions, but compared to when I was 38, I feel great! You see, when I was 38, I looked like crap, ate like crap, and had almost zero energy…


You Don’t Need Photoshop!

“How long will it take me to learn Photoshop?” Well, take a seat, dear friend, because you’re in for quite the journey. I won’t sugarcoat it—diving into Photoshop, messing with displacement maps, and mastering all those tools (the Pen Tool being the trickiest) or even the simpler tasks like selecting and removing backgrounds from images……

Glorify templates
Glorify Design Sessions

01 Glorify Design Session (Template Bundle Coming Up)

Another interesting design from yesterday’s Glorify session. Somehow, I ended up finishing a project an hour earlier and took that time to design this quote I found in my personal swipe file. Something I wrote about yesterday. If you don’t have your personal swipe file and are constantly building it up, adding things to it…


Rolling Into Monday…

Rolling into Monday with ideas for new design projects. One of them is for a 7-day course… (a deep dive into a strategy that has put more money into my pocket than anything else I’ve done since I started online.) Can’t wait to check it off my list… using the one and only, absolutely a…

Turning Pro

Turning Pro!

I just finished reading probably the most important book I’ve ever read, called “Turning Pro” by Steven Pressfield, and let me tell you… This book is GOLD… If you haven’t read it, I want you to stop everything and go get it… READ IT! After you read it, you’ll have to make the biggest decision…