The Font That Packs a Punch!

Rolling into Monday with one of my favorite fonts called…


I’ve used this font in dozens of projects, and every time I do, it delivers a punch.

Crafted by Ivo Dolenc, it’s a minimal and clean font that can be used in advertising, flyers, business cards, and just about anywhere for a neutral, clean, and simple look.

Try it…

I think you’re gonna love it.

It comes with 20 different weights you can play with.

Make your designs STAND OUT!

Here is where you can grab it…

Now… What follows are a few of my designs using Aspekta. Hope you like them. If you have any questions, hit me up.

This post turned into a lesson quickly

On August 14th…

Exactly 2.7 months ago, my angel and I got together. It’s our 31st month and it feels like we just started.

Since the time I started pursuing her to this day, there hasn’t been a significant fight or anything that would force us apart. It’s like we’re meant to be for each other.

It’s a weird thing because we’re both from completely different backgrounds, and somehow, despite our differences, we connected and have been living together since the beginning of our relationship.

But why am I telling you this?

Here’s the lesson…

About 3 years ago, I started visualizing her in my life… in all kinds of situations. I would sit down, sometimes for 30 minutes, sometimes for an hour, every day.

Anything from traveling to remote places to hiking mountains and swimming in lakes, to living in a house together. Every spicy, kinky pleasure you can imagine… you bet, I dreamt about it.

And guess what?

It happened.

We’re celebrating 2.7 months together.

We live together in a house.

We travel 2-3 times a year.

We play with each other like two horny teenagers.

We have fun together.

And so, here’s to say…

If you can visualize it, you can have it.

You must have heard that saying before…

I believe it’s true, but here is something you must understand…

You can’t just visualize and hope for the best…

You’ll have great dreams but unless you lift your butt cheeks off the couch and start doing the necessary work to get you where you want to be or the life you want to have, nothing will happen.

So… (and this is the key), instead of visualizing the green pastures and hoping for the best, that one day everything will fall into place, visualize all the hard work that you’ll have to do.

Make a plan, and every day after your important visualization session, accomplish something that day.

Learn how to manage yourself!

If you have bad habits, focus on that first. Change them.

From morning to evening, there is plenty of time, even if you’re working full time, I can guarantee you can find an hour or two to work on your dream.

Whatever the dream is…

Remember, small actions every day will pile up… eventually becoming big things.

But anyway…

Just sharing what I would do and am actually doing right now as I’m building my base online… and learning all these skills like copywriting, social media, graphic design, and how to become a better human being.

It takes time… perhaps a whole life.

But it starts with knowing what you want.

You Don’t Need Photoshop!

How long will it take me to learn Photoshop?

Well, take a seat, dear friend, because you’re in for quite the journey.

I won’t sugarcoat it—diving into Photoshop, messing with displacement maps, and mastering all those tools (the Pen Tool being the trickiest) or even the simpler tasks like selecting and removing backgrounds from images… it felt like having my wisdom teeth pulled out.

Not the most seksiest thing to play with.

But as with anything worth learning, it’s tough at first before it becomes easier.

Fortunately, you’re in luck.

Nowadays, you don’t have to spend weeks, months, or years trying to master Photoshop to create stunning, high-converting images for your social media, websites, or landing pages.

No, there are much simpler, less complex, and faster solutions out there.

Take Glorify, for example.

This tool emerged seemingly out of nowhere, delivering a powerful punch like a heavyweight champion, and quickly becoming my favorite design tool.

It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with it, and now, I use it 98% of the time. It’s straightforward, it’s fast, and it comes with pre-designed templates that are stunning.

So, even if you’re not a seasoned designer, you can effortlessly create beautiful, eye-catching images with just a few clicks.

As for me, I prefer designing everything from scratch, as you can see in the examples below.

You won’t find such designs in the template library.

This is fantastic news because if you choose any of my templates, you’re guaranteed unique, one-of-a-kind designs that you can easily customize and make your own.

Let me explain what I’m going to do.

Soon, I’m going to send an email to my subscribers with about 70% of my new Glorify templates and give them away for FREE.

This promotion will last for 3 consecutive days. There will be a timer, and when it hits zero, the templates will vanish from the internet, much like a dark cloud after a heavy storm.

You won’t find them anywhere else!

I’m orchestrating it this way because I want dedicated individuals to use them, and I don’t want them to become overused.

So, if you’re not on my list, you’re going to miss out.

But if you’re interested and want to become a subscriber, here’s where to go:

All you have to do is click the link above and sign up. I’ll then notify you when they’re ready.

01 Glorify Design Session (Template Bundle Coming Up)

Another interesting design from yesterday’s Glorify session.

Somehow, I ended up finishing a project an hour earlier and took that time to design this quote I found in my personal swipe file.

Something I wrote about yesterday.

If you don’t have your personal swipe file and are constantly building it up, adding things to it that you like or things that inspire you, you’re simply missing out…

Not just for the fact that it helps you find new ideas but also, you get a glimpse into what’s working right now.

What people are sharing…

What quotes have been reposted over and over again.

So, no matter from what angle you’re looking at it, building your own swipe file is a must in my opinion.

What I would suggest here is that you start collecting ads, quotes, posts that have big engagement, were either shared a ton of times or liked, or both, and then take inspiration from them.

Actually, anything that went viral, I would collect and see if I could grab some ideas from it… or even recreate it in my own style…

It’s a strategy taught in many courses I went through in the last year… like the 7-Day Shift that teaches you everything you need to know to create viral 7-second videos and what to do with all the followers, where to send them, how to interact with them, and how to set up an automated system that sends pre-written emails for you – promoting high ticket products that will earn you $1600 every time someone purchases through your link…

And guess what?

Once you have it all set up… you can go into your swipe file and start piggy-backing from viral videos, posts, or anything that had high engagement… and then remake it in your own style…

But more about it in the course…

In case you’re interested, I’ll leave a link below.

Yes, it is my affiliate link.

P.S. Let me know what you think about the design? Is there anything you would have done differently? Soon, I’ll be sharing a full set as a template with all the pre-designed elements and sizes. When it’s done, I’ll write a quick note and let you know where to get it.

Have fun!

Are You Building Your Swipe File?

Sometimes I’m surprised by how far I can go in seeking design inspiration.

Take my swipe file, for example…

It took me years to build and contains heaps of great ads I love diving into and trying to understand, especially on Sundays when I’m planning my next week’s worth of content and the things I’m going to design. But even for fun, or purely for entertainment purposes, this swipe file is the number one resource for me, and it always gives me a ton of new ideas for projects…

Whether it’s client work or my own, it doesn’t matter; having such a resource has been life-changing.

Right now, I’m building another swipe file for another passion of mine: sales funnels, opt-in pages, OTO’s, and anything that could inspire me when crafting a new offer.


If you’re into something you love, why not create your own swipe file? On days when you don’t feel like it or can’t seem to come up with anything of value, you can open it up and instantly get flooded with tons of new ideas.

It works like magic.

Give it a shot…

The speech That Turbocharges My Productivity!

Few months ago, very close friend of mine sent me a video of Joe Rogan inspiring the living hell of everyone… And I wanted to share it with you because it’s something I’m listening to every morning now, and it makes a ton of differnce in how I tackle my tasks for the day… 

And I’m positive, it’s gonna jumpstart your creative juices too if you give it a shot. 

Watch it… 

It’s short. 

And then watch it again and let it sink. 

If you wonder what’s my numero uno productivity tool that let me keep track of my daily tasks… here is your answer. It’s called and it’s AWESOME!

5 Color Pallets I Use Instead Of Pure Black

I don’t know about you, but pure black is a color I like to stay away from, for one simple reason… If it’s against white, it tends to strain my eyes.

Don’t get me wrong, I can think of examples where pure black is awesome and looks amazing, but as I’m saying, I’ve found a few other colors that I prefer.

It’s a matter of personal choice.

Nothing more.

And so, here are the color palettes I use in Glorify, and I highly suggest adding them into your brand kit.

Starting with…





Your welcome.

I found they work great in gaming, stargazing, motivation, coding, web design, encryption, hackers, data protection, photography and few dozens of other niches…

The 5 Day Offer Challenge Bonus Arrived!

A few months ago, I joined Steven’s 5-day offer challenge and received several bonuses, one of which was this community-driven “Capitalist Pig” t-shirt that has already offended a few people in my circle…

Are you planning to wear this t-shirt?

Hell yeaaaaaah…

And there’s nothing you can do about it…

Yesterday, my girlfriend took a few photos of me wearing it. I then took them into Glorify and turned them into this…

But it ain’t about the t-shirt… It’s about what Steve has done for me… Because what I have learned in the last few months alone is priceless and well worth anyone’s time.

I have only great things to say about this 5-day offer challenge.

After testing a few offers and receiving real feedback, I’m finally on the right track.

There’s no point in spending three months building something no one wants.

First, validate your ideas before you spend months on them…

And then build them…

Rolling Into Monday…

Rolling into Monday with ideas for new design projects.

One of them is for a 7-day course… (a deep dive into a strategy that has put more money into my pocket than anything else I’ve done since I started online.)

Can’t wait to check it off my list… using the one and only, absolutely a beast of a productivity tool there is…

Turning Pro!

I just finished reading probably the most important book I’ve ever read, called “Turning Pro” by Steven Pressfield, and let me tell you…

This book is GOLD…

If you haven’t read it, I want you to stop everything and go get it…


After you read it, you’ll have to make the biggest decision of your life!

On which side do you want to be?

An amateur?

Or a pro?

Now, when you turn pro, not only does life get easier, but you’ll embrace your true calling.

Most people never experience what it’s like to wake up excited and fully engaged in something they love doing…

Instead, they’re living in the shadow, controlled by fear, excuses, and therefore unhappy.

This book is going to open your eyes!

I promise you that you’re going to walk away with a new mindset, energy, and will to TURN PRO.

Once you commit to becoming a pro, your habits will change. The friends you used to hang out with will fade away, replaced with new ones, and your addictions, yes, your addictions disappear like a dark after storm cloud.

At first, you might be miserable when turning pro, but once you pass that, dude, the sky is the limit. Your potential to become great is within you.

Unlock it…

This book will help you do that.

That’s my promise to you.

Now it’s Sunday, 5:25 am, and I should be sleeping like most people on Sunday morning, instead I’m working on my dreams.

The decision is yours to make.

The freedom you’re looking for is on the other side of the wall. And to climb over it and free yourself from your 9-5 job, bad habits, addictions, you’ll have to make a decision.

Here is your vehicle…


Get it…

I’m not an affiliate.

I just thought you should read it.

Everyone should.

You’re welcome.

Piss Off Evernote!

And your stupid pop ups while I’m trying to write.  

Piss off, really! 

I mean it!

You’ve been distracting me for a while now and it’s time you leave me the fuck alone. 

I’m not paying you anything, EVER!

In fact, you know what? 

I found much better alternative.

It’s called UpNote. 

And you know what the best thing about UpNote is? 

They sync my notes across all devices.

And It ACTUALLY works!

No matter the nature of the device.

This means that I can write on my iPad (like I’m doing now), and then come home and review it on my PC. 

It’s a true miracle!

And guess what?

There are no distracting pop ups when I’m trying to brain bump my thoughts or write something important.

It’s distraction free.

Last week I imported 3000+ notes into UpNote, customized the look of the app and changed the font and size for better note taking experience and the experience was smooth as sail.

And for as little as 30 bucks, I have it for life.

You know what that means, aye? 

Goodbye Evernote!

Here is something you gonna love!

There is one thing that shines above the others in Glorify… 

It used to be called “Branding”

Now it’s located in Glorify’s library under “Brand Kit” 

And what it does will blown your mind. 

It’s one of those features that you gonna fall in love with the second you start using it because with a few clicks you can turn boring, ugly designs into eye-catching, mouth-salivating, heart-melting beauties and increase the change of catching the eyes of those interested. 

…and most likely, if you’re selling something, sell it by a ton!

And that’s no exageration. 

Look, sometimes I’m out of steam and can’t think of anything interesting, not to mention beautiful… and so I’ve got few shapes on my canvas, text and some random image of a product I don’t know what to do with…

And then I start playing with this “Branding” feature in Glorify and click through few on my personal color pallets and almost instantly I get beautiful designs I know will work. 

This feature is like a secret weapon. It can change the entire feel of the design, and if nothing else, spark your imagination. 

Give it a shot and I promise you, you’ll be glad you did. 

And if you’re looking to get Glorify but not sure… this may be another reason to give it a try. 

Get 14 Day trial.

Not sure for how long the 14 Days trial will be up because there are still working on trying to figure it out best pricing options… but for now, Glorify has 14 Day trial.

Here are a few examples of what the “branding” feature can do with one click.

Sizzling Hot “quote style content” In Glorify

Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting quote that caught my eye…

“Change who you are on the inside to create the life you want on the outside.”

Feeling the vibe of it, a few ideas struck me like a lightning bolt.

Here is what my little brain came up with…

Kinda like the color pallet too.

Soon will be added here for download…

+ Update… It’s now ready for download here:

4 Of My Favorite Fonts This Month

Since Glorify introduced custom fonts, I jumped on it like ants on a Snickers bar, creating a small library of fonts I’ve used in just about every design I’ve ever made.

From social media posts to website banners and everything in between.

So it felt a bit disappointing at first to learn that Glorify won’t support custom fonts when sharing glorify templates. Meaning that if I want to share my Glorify templates with you, I either have to tell you the name of the font and you go and download it and then upload it to your Glorify brand kit, or I only use Google fonts…

I guess it’s not the end of the world…

But why?

Why not do something like what Canva did?

There are so many beautiful fonts out there… Hundreds if not thousands of them… and some of them don’t even come close to Google fonts, and yes, they’re free to download, and yes, you can use them for commercial purposes…

And it doesn’t matter if you’re designing ads, flyers, posters, banners, and so on, they simply look amazing with any project.

But anyway… such is life.

I’m using them anyway…

Here are four of my favorite fonts I’m playing with right now…

  • Aspekta family
  • Heading Now
  • Chunk Five Print
  • Satoshi family

These fonts are on top of my list and work great with so many designs. Download them and upload them to your Glorify brand kit.

By the way, speaking of Glorify templates, I’m building my own library at

Right now, there is not much but this about to change as I’m adding new templates.

If you’re interested in getting high-quality, niche-specific, and then later, product-specific templates for your social media, websites, sales funnels, marketing, etc., you’ll find it there.

Now with this off my chest, I wanted to share with you my new design that got inspired by an adult show I watched with my girlfriend not too long ago…

If you’re selling anything seksy, adult-related, this color palette, graphics, and the vibe of the design could help you bring more eye-balls to your store, and help you sell more of your products.

The fonts used in this project I’ll reveal next time.

Here, I share my Glorify template library again in case you’ve missed it…


So I’ve been playing around with a few concepts for a fresh Glorify template bundle when suddenly, BAM!

An idea for a split image smacked me square in the face, like a heavyweight boxer.

Here’s how it looks so far…

Not bad for a few minutes of work.

If you’ve been following me for some time, you may have noticed that I designed something similar to this a few months ago… which I have now revisited and slowly turning into a template bundle for you to use.

Mainly giving structure to my design ideas.

And making it available so that you have no excuse not to pick any of my templates and run with them.

I’ll keep you updated on the progress as I’m not planning to finish it today.

If you want a finished collection of Glorify templates that pack a serious punch, lace up your hiking boots and embark on the journey to seize them!